Post of the Day
A lot happened over the last two days. Yesterday I got fed up with affinity, And I decided a switch was in place. I am trying to change over to goblins, but I need a crap load of testing. I mainly need testing vs. the mirror match and against slide. Affinity I wreck, mono white I do pretty good against. Most rouge I do good against. I think I will do a lot better with Goblin Bidding than affinity, since not so many people will be heavily hating against my deck.
So yesterday I proxied it up and tried a few games against Adam. I also played a little vs affinity, and did great. I then went online and perfected my deck a bit. I now have what seems to be a pretty decent build with a great sideboard.
Today I also tested more against rouge and affinity. I mainly want more testing, as in any, vs slide. One of my friends is a great slide player, so I am going to see when we can do some testing. I just hope I get top eight.
Today I also went to Game Crazy. I traded in my GTA games for the new Tony Hawk Underground, or THUG, for the XBox. I have only played a little of it, but so far it is cool. I can already tell that it will have a great story to it.
I have also been approved for the open beta test of Lord of the Rings Online Trading Card Game, or LOTROTCG for short. You get $40 from the start, and then $10 dollars a day after that. This money can only be spent in the game, so don't get the idea that they are paying me for this. This game is basically Magic Online for Lord of the Rings. Seems cool, but I need more stuff for a deck.
I have also been swayed over to the dark side. I have actually started liking Magic Work Station, or MWS for short, more that Apprentice. I just downloaded all of the card arts from Magic to use in MWS. I have got to tell you that it makes a huge difference. It is like you are actually playing a game of magic. It is so cool. You can also print really good proxies for your whole deck. The only bad thing about it is that they keep begging you to pay money to register it. $20 is expensive for magic player. I mean it has a lot of good features, but I am going to have to wait and see if the $20 dollars will be worth the upgrades. All I got to say is that Apprentice 2.0 has got to have some good features to sway me.
Hmm... that is about it for now. So until later,
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