Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Post of the Day

I got top 4 at the Parkland mox tournament. I played Long.dec. It was pretty fun. My only lose for the day was against janky control. I lost game one, won game two, then they got a god draw game three. The tournament proved to me that the cards that got restricted, in the December restrictions, really needed to be restricted. As long as you know how to play you deck there is no real strategy, just luck of the draw. I don't like this. But now, after the restrictions, Dragon will own almost all. It has decently consistent turn two wins, and wasn't hurt at all by the restrictions. Something needs to be done. I also found that if you do not own power, it is impossible for you to play type one. Just a fact, there are too many faster decks out there. It is nuts, and there is not a lot that Wizards can do about it. Wizards can stop turn one wins, but turn two wins are still consistent. Without printing more type one hate cards, or drastic restrictions, the format will be no more than: roll a die, take a 30 minute turn, win. I guess the only thing you can do is buy power. It will continue to rise in price until magic ends, because the more that are bought, the less there are. Buy it now, in a year it will most likely increase in value by 20%.

I guess I don't have a lot more to post. I didn't really do much Thursday or Friday. So until later,


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