Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Post of the Day

I got back from the prerelease very late last night, but it was a lot of fun. I left the prerelease with 2 shahrazads, 24 Fith Dawn packs, a mana drain, and an artist print of one of the coolest pieces of art I have ever seen. I went to the prerelease with 4 of my friends, Andy, Kurt, Dylan, and Nathan. We all had a great time. There were 329 people in the main flight. There were around 600 people total. The attendance was so high that they actually ran out of product around 4 o clock, and couldn't do anymore booster drafts. It was an amazingly fun day.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day


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