Post of the Day
W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T! I finally, finally, finally got my new computer!!!!!!!!!!!! Enoughf W00T!s. I did finally get a new computer. I did alot of the building of it, Brian did the installing and a little of the building, and my Dad helped alot with handing us parts and acculy putting it in my room. Props go out to all of you. Oh heck, one more W00T! *does very happy dance* oh yeah! Now on with what else happened today, which compared to my computer being installed is crap.
Today was the first Nov type two tourney held at Dragon's table. I attempted playing my Red Rain deck. I went 0-3 with it. Now I could blame it on my terrible mana screw, but it just comes down to the fact that the deck sucks really bad. It made me sad going 0-3, but hey now I know what not to play at States. Jimmy won the tourney with R/W Slide. GO JIMMY!
Afterwards I played alot of mental magic. Man is that format fun. If you havn't played it, you must try it.
If you notice the lack of links in this post, it is because of the lack of time I have to search for them. I am really wanting to install everything.
Well until tomarrow,
P.S. Nathan if you would like to post on this site please email me and I will help you get set up. Maybe I will come over tomarrow(Monday).
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