Post of the Day
Today I got in the top four of the "mox, box, and sox" tourney. I played mono-blue control. It was quite fun. I went into the finals with a record of 4-0-1, and my only lose was vs. gro-a-tog, played by Tim. I ended up winning four packs. Not that great, but it was more of a personal victory. I did make my deck all on my own, no deck lists involved, so that makes me happy that I did so good with my own creation.
Tommarow is type two. I plan on playing affinity. It is more fun than u/g madness, and it is based on the same engine. I hope to do better than last time, I went 0-3. I think I can do better than that.
Hmm... what else happened today? I can't really think of much. My day was just the tourney. Oh, I know! I retired the Halo demo, and I took away a lot of the visual effects, and it had a far better fram rate. So now I am again interested in it. Oh and by the way, please try the [BattleCards] open beta here. I am always willing to play/trade.
So that is about it. Until later,
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