Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Post of the Day

Yes, I know. Again, I have not posted in over a week. It was a combination of many things. One, I have been busy playing in tournaments. Two, I have been bored. And three, it was Christmas. A lot has happened though. I got second at the mox tournament in Jacksonville, playing mono-red burn. I have also been playing computer games a lot. Mainly Magic Online and GTA: Vice City. Vice City is a great game because every thing in it is moddable. I have also gotten it to play online. A group of people took the time to mod the entire game to work online with other people. It is a lot of fun.

Tomorrow I will be going to an Extended PTQ. I shall play a tog deck that I built. I plan to do ok. I don't think I will top 8 by any means, I just hope I can win more matches than I lose. I have done a fair amount of testing with some friends. I was unable to test against goblins though, I hope that won't be a problem. I will be going with two of my friends, Adam and Jimmy. Overall it should be really fun. Maybe I will even buy a few cards for my self.

I bout Morrowind, but it seems to have problems installing. I have a few ideas on how to fix it. I will just have to see how it goes. It might come down to have to exchange it for something else, and that would suck. Or I could go through a big hassle of installing it on someone else's computer and copying the files to CD and bringing it back to my computer. Either way, it will be a hassle.

Not a lot else. I will try to do a tourny report on tomorrow. I will need to write down quick notes like card choices and the deck that they are playing. It shouldn't be too hard, it is just a lot more work not doing that. I will also try to post more often. So until later,



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