Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Post of the Day

Thursday was ok. Not a lot happened. I went to Parkland, and played some "Zombies!!!". It was fun. I then went to the UIUC Magic Club (*hears the crowd boo and hiss*), and played some emperor. Friday was pretty awesome. I played D&D at the Dragon's Table. Andy was there, but Tim wasn't. Andy's character almost died, but was saved due to XP gained during the fight. I figured out that forest Gnomes do get the +2 Cha that I thought they did. It was a very fun and enjoyable night.

Saturday I had to get up at 4 o' clock in the morning to go to Indy. Man was I tired on the way back. I went to a PTQ. I went 3-4. Not too horrible, but I would have liked to do better. I did a good amount of trading which was fun. All in all, it was a very fun day. I almost instantly fell asleep that night.

Today was pretty boring. Again nothing happened at DT because of the UIUC people stealing the crowd. So I went back home and played the UT 2004 demo. It is a pretty awesome game. I am going to buy it Tuesday when it comes out. Today I was playing the "Capture the Flag" mode and someone was using a speed hack. Both teams were doing pretty good. The points needed to win were 3, and somehow the score was tied at 2-2 with both teams holding the other's flag. The player that had the speed hack was on the other team. He was the one holding our flag (makes since with his speed and all). Well to score you have to take the other teams flag back to your base, and your flag still has to be there. At 2-2, with both flags out, it was only a matter of time until the player with the speed hack would kill our guy with the flag. The final gunfight was in our flag room. It was fast and furious. Somehow, someone shot a huge explosion. It killed everyone in the room but me, including the speed hacker. I saw my opportunity and ran for the flags. I got ours returned and picked up theirs. As I was running the short distance back to the flag post the hacker caught up to me. He shot at me, but I was able to dodge the bullets, and get the flag there before he picked ours back up. I absolutely love it when I beat a cheater. It makes me feel awesome.

Well not much else is happening. So until later,



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