Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Post of the Day

Oh yeah, I'm back with another post. (Again, I know it has been a feakin' long time, but I am busey, OK!)

I took my CompTIA Network+ certification test today. I got a failing score of 633/900, the passing grade is 646... Missed by like 1-2 questions. I felt somewhat disapointed, but I also didn't know a lot of what was being asked on the test, so I felt that it was somewhat my fault. The good things that came from this test though is that I have learned what it is like to take a certification test. I have learned areas where I can improve in if I wish. I also didn't have to pay for the test (I got it from a scholarship), so there wasn't a lot of pressure to pass, and I most likely would have takken it otherwise. So I am glad that I have finally takken one and now know what to expect in future tests. In the end I came away from the test mildly dissapointed but overall glad that the week is over. Finals are all done with, and I get a 3 week vacation before next semester starts. Just thought I would share...

I was thinking of takeing a week to preview a game for gamercentric, and possibly starting work on another RPG (refer to my webpage for my first). As well as spending more time on Runescape (god of all MMORPGs).

I have also recently discovered a love for Ramones music. It took me about 3 listen throughs to notice how much I liked the music. I at first thought, eh, its alright I suppose, then the more I listen I noticed I was likeing it more and more. So yeah, now I am hooked.

Also, as I mentioned above, RuneScape ( is an amazeing game. I have recently started playing it again after about a 4 month hiatis. I am not up to 180K or so gold. Niiiice.

Hmmm.... other news.... Well, I have discovered Wi-Fi + Laptop = Fun. That is what I am doing now. I love it. Parkland blocks all but port 80 though :(

That is looking about it for now. I plan to have fun on my XMas break. So, untill later,



At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say


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