Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Finals Week

Yeah, so here goes a mild rant about finals...

Well, it is the middle of finals week for me. I have alread takken one of my finals (got a B) and turned in my final english paper (which was a monster to write), but I have more to do still. Tommorow will be the worst. I have to be at school at 8am in the morning to take an 180 question final on Windows XP Workstation administration. I believe I only have to get something like a 50% or so on it to get an A in the class, but studying for this thing is a freakin' bear. I am probably going to have to sleep early and just really hope that I can remember what I studied tonight...

Also, tommorow I have my final in C programming. I believe I will do decently well in it. I like C, and C likes me. I will try and bring two of my previous exams with me to study before the test. I wish I had my third exam, but I didn't have a chance to get it back from the teacher. Oh well.

After tommorow though, it is smooth sailing. I have one last final on friday, which should be very, very, very easy. Then I have to print out a bunch of pages, but that is no biggie.

After friday, summer begins. I have a few projects planned for over the summer. One of which include learning to solder (sp?), as well as a few other thing. I hope to also get a part time/summer job over the summer to keep me busey, and earn some extra cash.

Yeah, well, time to get back to studying.


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