Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Post of the Day

A few things have happened in the past 3 days. Monday was the same as always, not boring but nothing to exciting. Tuesday, I helped Adam test his new beltcher deck. I think it has a lot of potential and seems very interesting. My slide was unable to beat it, but then again I am not the greatest slide player. My affinity was able to get a quick kill, and I forget how my "Red Deck Wins" did.

Yesterday was quite interesting. It was for the final on my typing class. I ended up being one of the only people to finish the whole test/typing of 7 papers. It was also the last day that I went to school. I will be taking my pre-test for the GED on the 27th, and then after that, take a 6 week class to study what I don't know. Once that is all done, I will then take the final GED, and if I pass, will be done with school. I hopefully plan to attend Parkland after the summer. I have $2000 dollars in scholarships to use on tuition and books. Heh, who says playing magic doesn't pay off?

My birthday is this weekend, as well. I will be going to Indy with Tim and Kurt. I was originally planning to take Jimmy too, but he canceled on Tuesday because of some random scholastic Olympia crap. Oh well, it should still be a lot of fun. We will be going to Don Pablo's, which is ,in my opinion, the best Mexican food that isn't home made. After that, we will go to a music store to see if they have a rare CD that I am looking for (cKy - Vol. 2), and then after that, we shall go to the mall. The mall in Indy has a massive arcade. It is one of those that you use a card instead of tokens or coins. I won't be getting a lot for my birthday, because I am pretty content with everything that I have now, but I will be getting some cash to use when I do see something that I want. I already think I know what I want to get with it. I am wanting another hard drive for my computer, because the one I have now only has 20 gigs left. With another one I can store DVD's on it, and do video editing when I get to that stage.

In the next two weeks I will be going to Indy two more times. Once for the prerelease of Darksteel, and again for another extended PTQ. I have a good idea of what cards I am wanting from dealers. I have a big list of things that would be great in decks of mine.

Besides that, I think there is not a lot else going on. I will continue to try to remember to finish my PTQ report. And until later,


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