Post of the Day
The prerelease went great. I got 4th place in an early bird sealed event, which gained me 9 packs. Plus, I won the first round in two more drafts, for a total of 11 packs in all. I made a lot of good deals, too. I was able to get almost all the cards I needed for RDW in extended, and 1.5. I also met a few people I know from the Indy area. We got home at around 3 in the morning, man was it a long day.
Yesterday was fun too. There were only 5 people at the type two, but I still had a fun time. I didn't do well at all, for some reason my deck refused to draw good cards. There were even two new people, and I played a couple of my 1.5 decks against them.
Tonight I will be doing a lot of Extended testing. I have a U/b Tog deck in mind. Similar to the type two days, it will have an upheaval and Force Spikes. I will see how it does. I am testing for the Extended PTQ this weekend. As far as I know, I will be taking Jimmy, Kurt, and maybe Brian. That should be a blast, and I should be able to get the last few cards I need to finish off my decks.
My report on the Extended PTQ from a few weeks ago never got finished. I kind of just forgot about it. So I will post what I did write. It is only 5 rounds out of 7, but I will post it anyway. It is right here.
Tomorrow is the day I take my pretest for the GED. It is at 9 in the morning, so I have to wake up early. Hopefully I do good on it. After I take the pretest I will study what I didn't know for 6 weeks. Then after that, I will take the final GED test. I am not really sure on my plans after that. I will probably take a few courses before summer, then do more after summer. I would most definitely like to take some programming classes. And I might like to take some writing courses to better improve my writing.
Well that is about all for now. So until later,
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