I have entered the next generation
Alright, so I am back from Gencon, and that was all sorts of awesome. I didn't do a whole lot at Gencon, but I had a very fun time none the less. If you ever want to hear the stories, ask, I have many.
Once I got back, I had some money in my pocket from selling some of my cards. With that money (as well as an Xbox, 2 controllers, and 3 games) I bought an Xbox 360 from a store called Exile on Main. I highly reccomend them, as they were very helpful, and wanted my buisness. I had already ordered Dead Rising the previous Wednesday, so it came in the mail that day as well (Monday).
My dad and me hooked everything up, includeing a headphone setup to listen to the console, and started it up. After about 15-30 minutes setting up Xbox LIVE, I was ready to play. Dead Rising turned out to be a lot of fun, and the interface for the 360 was great too.
My two complaints about Dead Rising are that the text is unreadable on a normal non-HDTV and that the bosses in the game are boring and tedious. Other than that though, the game rocks. There is pretty much an endless number of ways to kill the zombies, and there is an endless number of zombies. So, the game is quite enjoyable. I haven't beaten it yet, but I should by the end of the week, and I can unlock some new modes.