Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Post of the Day

Well I didn't do so well in the tournaments this weekend. I went 2-2 on Saturday with my "Fried Eggs" deck. The times I lost were close, but control really disrupts my deck. Oh well, it was fun. Sunday I went 1-2 with Jimmy's slide deck. I have herd that Nathan won the JSS in Jacksonville. Congratulations to Nathan!! I am probally going to be the only one saying it, but other people are mean. Hmmm, not a lot of anything else has happened. Just thought I would post what has been going on. So until later,

Friday, November 28, 2003

Post of the Day

Not a lot has been happening. Wednsday was bland and boring. Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was pretty decent, had some turkey. I also saw the new Elf movie, which is pretty funny. It was good, but not great. Definitely worth seeing.

Today was very interesting. OK, so today was "Black Friday", the day after Thanksgiving when they have the first Christmas sales of the year. Best Buy had a crap load of amazing stuff. They had an 120 gig hard drive for $50 dollars, a 4x multi-platform DVD burner for $80, an 120MB MP3 player for $40 dollars, and a crap load of other amazing deals. This meant going early in the morning to get this stuff. It is a two person job, and my mom didn't really feel up to doing it, so I went along with it. So I wake up at 4:00 A.M. I get my clothes on and head out the door with my dad. We arrive at Best Buy at right about 4:15, and to my amazement, there are already at least 40 people in line. My dad goes up and waits in line while I fit in the car. Then about a half an hour before it opens, they opened at 6, I go up and wait with him. By then, there is about another 120-175 more people in the back of the line. Once they open the doors, it is a mad rush to the computer area. My dad grabs the MP3 player while I am trying to find a way to the DVD burner. Once I get to it, it is already sold out. We quickly head to the check out to get going to our next store. Some employee gives me crap about walking over a taped line that has no people in it. I say "thank you" as I walk past him. We ended up getting everything we were trying to get, after going to a couple of other stores.

Tonight I went to Dragon's Table, and helped Robbie test for the JSS tomorrow. Robbie and Nathan will be going to the JSS tomorrow in Jacksonville, IL. Good luck guys!! Robbie will be playing my affinity, and Nathan will be playing astral slide. Jacksonville is an easy area so one of them should do pretty good.

Tomorrow is the type one at the Dragon's Table. I will be there. It should be fun. Well I am getting tired, so until later

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Post of the Day

Well I just got back from my grandma's house, and I am whipped out. It was a lot of fun though. My cousins Devon, Quintin, Chase, Taylor, and Addison were there. We played some ping pong, and then afterwards we played basketball. My aunts and uncles were also there. There was a lot of good, home cooked, food there too. It was a lot of fun, but I am now very tired.

I also went driving with the instructor earlier today. It went pretty good. I parallel parked. It wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I also rode with another one of the kids, Brian. It went pretty good.

Hmm not much else happened today. So until later,

Technical Issues

Update. It seems as if it has stopped right after I posted. Hmm, oh well it's gone now. :)

It seems as if the links to the right have dissapeared. It also seems that anything after the top post is cut off. I think this is a problem on the BLOGGERS sever. I guese I am just letting you know that if you are having trouble seeing stuff it is because of BLOGGER not your computer. Hopefully it will stop it soon. I think I will post again later tonight, so check back then.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Post of the Day

I am getting back in the habit of posting every other day. Yesterday was the type two at The Dragon's Table. We had 7 people show up, not a huge turn out, but it was better than having five. I didn't top four, but Chris, Alex, Jimmy, and Brian did. I played affinity. It was fun over all.

Today I went to The Dragon's Table for some causal games. I played about two games with Adam to help him test for this weeks JSS in Jacksonville, IL. I still don't think he is fully prepared, but as long as he goes to it with the attitude of just having fun he should do fine. We also played a four player game of Munchkin. It was very entertaining. I had a good time.

Afterwards I drove home. I did a pretty good job of it. Tomorrow I will be driving with the instructor again. That should be fun. I am less nervous when he has an additional brake peddle.

Tomorrow I will also be going to my grandma's house for a Thanksgiving dinner. That should be a lot of fun since my cousins will be there. Also my aunt that lives in Seattle will be there also. I haven't seen her for a while so that should be nice. I like home cooked meals.

I think that is about it for now. So until later,

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Post of the Day

Again, I have been lazy and have not updated my blog for a while.

Today was a 1.5 tournament at The Dragon's Table. I went 2-2 but did not top 4. There were 10 people. The top four were Jimmy, Adam, Nathan, and Chris. Nathan won by luck of the draw. I played a new tog deck of mine. I am still learning how to play it. I also loaned Adam my Crap Rock (basically G/B beats). He picked it up quickly. It was pretty fun.

I have been playing Desert Combat still. Soon I shall switch back to Battlefield 1942. I have also been playing Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga. It is really good so far. I have been having a lot of fun with it. The game has some great humor and jokes. It also has a good battle engine. You can dodge attacks, counter-attack, and do extra damage with normal attacks. It also has a good buddy system. I seem to be getting into a review, I shall save that till later.

My Drivers Ed class is almost over. I have taken my final test and only have to drive a few more hours with the instructor. Then once I turn 16 I can get my license once I past a driving test.

I got some new Ultra Pro sleeves, and now kind of wish I hadn't. They are this new SATIN type of sleeves. I got some blue ones. They look pretty cool, but once you play them in about five games they start to show some heavy wear. The edges start chipping away, and the blue color rubs off on your hands. It is pretty annoying, and I don't think they are a very good choice of sleeves to play in an important tournament. I will use the ones I have on test decks and draft decks only. I still really like the other kind of Ultra Pro. My new favorite color is Pansy Blue. It is a really nice soft blue color.

That is it for the main things right now. So until later,

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Post of the Day

I know I know. I haven't posted in about half a week now. I have been busy and pretty lazy, but I thought since I had some free time I would post now.

Sunday was the type two at The Dragon's Table. It was fun, except for the fact that it was rigged. Now this has nothing to do with a judge, but instead the players. Several U of I players have been coming the past weeks, and last week they became greedy. This week was even worse. They pretty much set it up so all of them would get top 4, and then split all the winnings. This gets very annoying because they are very loudly asking each other how low of a score they can get to be in top 4. When they play each other they just draw, and if they can't do that the one with the better record will scope to the other. It is very annoying. It ended up that three of them got in top four and they took won 1st and 2nd prizes. It is sad that the winner of a casual tournament is determined by who has more people in their team. It all comes down to greed. And the crazy thing is that they complain about the prize money. It gets annoying. Well enough of that, the problem is being fixed.

Monday was uneventful. Just a normal Monday night with my friends. We played some Zombies!!! and some Guillotine.

Yesterday was very fun. I went driving, with the Drivers Ed teacher, for about 2 hours. I did pretty good, but there was one time that I almost hit someone. The teacher had an extra pair of brakes though, so I didn't hit them. What happened was, I was trying to make a right turn, and when I was turning my car didn't turn enough. No big deal, just need to turn more next time.

Today the new Mario & Luigi: Mario Super Saga comes out. I need to get it. I will tell you what I think. I have also been playing Desert Combat a crap load. It is quite a fun mod for Battlefield 1942. My favorite level would have to be DC No Fly Zone, it is loaded with airplanes. I have been playing it a lot at night so I haven't had the time to post.

I guess that is it for now. So until later,

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Grand Prix Trial Report

Yesterday was awesome. I went to Collinsville with my friends Nathan and Adam. I played in the Grand Prix Trial there, and my friends played in the JSS. A few more of my friends also showed up for the JSS. This is one of the only extended tournaments I have played in. I was playing a good version of Scepter Tog since it was about the only deck that I had a clue of how to play, I also happened to have almost all the cards for it. There were only 14 people in the Grand Prix Trial, and 18 for the JSS. It was a pretty low turnout, but I did have fun.

Round one I played against Jeff Winkleman. He was playing Twiddle Desire. Game one is odd because at first I think he is playing Tinker, but then he plays cards that aren't in a tinker deck. I soon figure out he is playing Twiddle Desire. I get a few good Scepters out that he can't deal with. Then he helped me by tapping his Ancient Tombs a lot. I really don't know how to sideboard for game two, so I take out two Boomerang for two Duress. This game he gets mana flooded really bad. He tells me that he is playing around 14 land and he draws 9 of them during the game. This game me a lot of time to set up Scepters. I also countered his Mind's Desire with a Stifle. I won my first round, how amazing.

Round two I play against Thomas, who is playing Tinker Stax. I do really poorly, and he gets a lock out both games. I don't mind losing since I have only been playing my deck for a few days.

Round three I play the mirror match. My opponent was Curtis. He had been testing more than I had, and he had a better sideboard. Both games he better able to control. When I got two awesome Scepters out he was able to Cunning Wish for a Rack and Ruin to kill both. I ended up losing, but again I wasn't mad because I had been playing my deck for only two days.

Round four I get paired up against someone who is 2-1. His name was John, and he was playing Goblins. I won I would get top 8 prize, but I didn't think I was going to win since he seemed like a better player. Game one he gets a very slow start. I am able to get out a Scepter with Fire/Ice. I shoot down his goblins one by one. There was one time when he said, "declaring attack phase." I said ok, then he tap his creatures. I was said before attackers are declared I will shoot the Warchief. I had done this the wrong way and it was cheesy, but he was nice and allowed it. I took one from the Piledriver instead of three. I ended up winning that game. I sideboarded in three of each Chills and Engineered Plagues. I got out an early Plague that quickly slowed him down. Towards the end he asked me how much it would take for me to concede to him, so that he could top four. This was a bribe, but because he was nice to me and let me take back a few mistakes, I said that I would not concede and to please not offer me another bribe or I would call the judge over. During one of the last turns he played a Skullscorch, with his only two lands, on me when I had Cunning Wish and Intuition for the only cards in my hand. I had plenty of man open. I played the Cunning Wish for a Memory Lapse. I played the Memory Lapse on the Skullscorch. At the end of his turn I played Intuition for a Chill. I then top-decked another Plague. I played both and passed the turn with no cards in hand. I was completely in control, and won the game about 10 turns later.

It was a really fun tournament. I did top eight, and I got 9 packs. Nathan made top 8 in the JSS, but lost first round of top 8. Afterwards, I sold 3 of my packs and with the money I played some Mini-Golf with my friends. It was a very fun day.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Post of the Night

Tomarrow I am going to Collinsville, Il for a GP:Trial at MooCon. How fun. A few of my friends will be going to the JSS there. I have set Adam up with affinity. Adam will be sporting the newly finished Team Fat Myr Enforcers. I think that makes him an offical member now. Somehow I managed to get 8 Chrome Mox in my possesion for tommarow. I shall be playing Scepter Tog at the Trial unless I somewho find a Tinker deck. I have been playing the updated Batlefield 1942 mod Desert Combat. It is pretty sweet. They have new planes and new maps and mobile spawn points. Very fun. Well I have to get sleep, and make a mix cd for tomarrow, oh and sorry for the horrid spelling errors (I am lazy). And a final dancing Kirby, if you dont know Kirby I feel sad for you. So until later,
Grapes17 <('.'<) (>'.')> <( '.' )>

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Post of the Day

Haven't posted for a while. I have been working on my JSS Tournament Report, that is up now. You should know by now that I have won. I will be sending the report to Star City on Monday, so if you think I should add anything or take out anything please let me know.

I am going to Collinsville this weekend for the MooCon. There is going to be a Grand Prix Trial for extended that I plan on playing in. There is also a JSS challenge, which a few of my friends will be in. I have been testing an extended version of Affinity, and the testing hasn't been going very well. I think I will be playing Tog. I always loved the deck when Invasion was legal.

I have also made some new alternate art cards. They are Myr Enforcers the are decked out in Team Fat goodness. They look pretty cool. The idea will be that all the team members will get a custom set for their own. Mine will be the Flagbearer Myr. He is holding a blue Team Fat flag, and has a red shirt. The other team members will have similar ones, but with different color shirts and different stuff in their hand.

I have also downloaded the new update to the Desert Combat Mod for Battlefield 1942. Haven't played it yet though. I think that is about all for now, so until later,

JSS Tournament Report

On November 8th I went to the first JSS of the season that I could attend. It was judged by Chris Fairfield and Jimmy Fricke. The JSS was held at my local card store, The Dragons Table in Champaign Illinois, so there was no long drive or early wake up. 19 people in all came to the tournament, not a lot but not bad.

The night before the tournament I did some last minute testing. I had two possible decks that I could play. A modified build of Goblin Bidding from a friend of mine, or a slightly modified version of Luke’s Affinity. At my local card store, The Dragons Table in Champaign Illinois, I did some testing with some friends. We play both decks against each other many times. Before when I played Affinity it seemed like I would constantly lose to Goblins, but in the testing I seemed to be doing better.

After the night of testing I was still undecided on what to play. I still needed testing vs. slide for both decks. I was leaning towards playing Goblin Bidding, but one of my friends told me that it had a very bad match up vs. slide. So I ask another one of my friends to help me test the match up over MWS and they agree. We play about 7 games with both decks. I didn't do very well, but I learn a lot. It always seemed I was closer to winning with Affinity than Goblin Bidding. After these games I am leaning more and more towards Affinity, but was still undecided, it was now one in the morning and really need sleep.

I had the luxury to sleep till 8:15 and not have to rush to the tournament. I get a few things ready to go, and leave the door about ten till 10. The store was open and people were there. One of my friends soon walks through the door, and I ask him for some more testing. He is the best slide player I know, so we play some games with both Bidding and Affinity. I am still winning more with Affinity than Goblin Bidding.

I finally decide to play Affinity, despite my constant loses at recent tournaments with it. I feel I know it better than any other deck, and it seems to win more. I turn in my deck list and wait for the tournament to start. Here is my final deck that I played:
// Lands
4 Ancient Den
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Great Furnace
3 Vault of Whispers
// Creatures
4 Broodstar
2 Frogmite
2 Atog
4 Myr Enforcer
// Spells
3 Future Sight
1 Temporal Fissure
2 Lightning Greaves
4 Chrome Mox
4 Mana Leak
4 Chromatic Sphere
3 Talisman of Dominance
4 Talisman of Progress
4 Thirst for Knowledge
4 Thoughtcast

// Sideboard
1 Temporal Fissure
3 Annul
3 Flashfires
2 Assert Authority
3 Pyroclasm
3 Circle of Protection: Red

My first round opponent was my friend Adam Hawthorne, playing Mono-Black Control. I helped him with his deck, so I know it pretty good. Game one I get out a 9/9 Broodstar. Then a turn later top deck two artifacts for the win. Game two I kept a bad hand, and had no gas. He beats me to death with a Grid Monitor. Game three was a lot better for me. He gets a bad draw, and I get double Myr Enforcers. I then get a Lightning Greaves and Broodstar, off of a Future Sight, for the win. It always sucks having to play your friends.

1-0 2-1

My round two opponent was Tyler. He was ten years old and was playing Slide. I have the Myr Enforcer beat down. He plays a Wrath of God that gets Mana Leaked. I play a Broodstar, and then continue to attack for the win. Game two I got an insane amount of mana, and I was able to get out a 13/13 Broodstar. It attacked twice for the win. Tyler was a very good sport about losing.

2-0 4-1

Round three I play Nathan Kross, which is playing Slide. Game one was pretty close, but he rifted me to death. Game two I have to bounce an early Exalted Angel before it kills me. I manage to get out an Atog and two Myr Enforcers for a slow win. Game three, he gets another turn three Exalted Angel. I am not able to get anything to deal with it.

2-1 5-3

Round four I have to play another one of my friends, Nathan Riefsteck. He was playing Slide, what’s with having to play this three times in a row. I always hate having to play Nathan, because it seems like he always top decks the exact card at the exact right time to win. Game one he gets a Lightning Rift on the table that I am unable to deal with. Game two, I get two Myr Enforcers to beat down with. He gets nothing really helpful. After game two I ask him if he would like to draw so that we both have a chance of getting in top eight. He declines, although I tell him if one of us loses that person will most likely be out of the running. I get a Broodstar out that does a pretty good job beating him down. But then he top decks an Akroma's Vengeance. I was unable to locate a counter to save me. After the Akroma's Vengeance he got an Exalted Angle. I ask him again if he would like to draw so that we both have a chance at top eight, but again he declines. I lose and am very mad at him. I think that there is no longer a shot of me getting in top eight because of my 2-2 record. I consult the standings and find out if I win my next match I have a very good chance at top eight. This makes me feel a lot better about top eighting.

2-2 6-5

This round I have to win to get top eight, and my opponent is Brad playing U/W control. In testing I never really did badly against this deck, I always seemed to outrun it, so that made me feel better about being able to top eight. Game one he got an Exalted Angel out that I didn't have an answer for. In game two I get a little luckier, I end up with double Myr Enforcer and an Atog. He quickly died soon after. Game three I get out a 12/12 Broodstar that quickly wins me the game.

3-2 8-6

I went from thinking that I had no chance of top eight to actually getting into top eight. As my game gets over, I shout to Nathan Kross to see how he was doing. He tells me that he is getting DQed. Word quickly spreads that it was because of severely marked sleeves. I feel bad for him, but at the same time he should have know better than to play with old beat-to-hell sleeves that could be considered to be marked. There is a long wait for standings as this is happening. Eventually they get posted, and I am in top eight at 6th place. My friends Nick Lore, Nathan Riefsteck, and Adam Hawthorne all got into top eight also. After the thirty minute dinner break, the quarter finals start.

My opponent is Brandon, playing Mono-Red Goblins. Game one was very close. He got out a final blow with a Blistering Firecat for the win. Game two, I side in Circle of Protection: Red, which seems to really help this match up. He got me down to eight but I was able to get a Circle of Protection: Red out, along with a Broodstar, for the win. Game three, I get another Circle of Protection: Red, which gives me a lot of time to set up the win. I get a Broodstar and Myr Enforcer out, and they quickly finish him off.

4-2 10-7

I find out that my friends Adam Hawthorne and Nick Lore both lost, but Nathan Reifsteck won his match. I also find out how the pairings will go for the next round, and am glad to see the only time I will play Nathan Reifsteck is in the finals. I also find out that I will also have to be playing David Tidd.

Semi-finals, round 7. David Tidd is playing a rouge Mono-Black Clerics deck. I watched him last round to get an idea how it worked, and what he was playing in it. It mainly used Cabal Archons and Rotlung Reanimators for lots of damage and life gain, and he also played Death Pact for massive creature removal. Game one, he gets out cleric after cleric that I have no way to deal with. He quickly kills me, and we go to game two. Game two I am lucky enough to get out a 7/7 Broodstar that quickly takes him down to zero. Game three was very close. He got a cleric out, but I had a Myr Enforcer and double Broodstar. The first Broodstar I played got killed, but the second one he had no answer for. The game came down to a very calculated attack where no matter how he blocked he would be taking leathle damage. We shake hands, and I congratulate him on his high finish.

5-2 12-8

Wow, I made it to the top 2. How this happened, I have no idea. My opponent name was Drew and he was playing Mono-Red Goblins. I ask him before the match if he would give me the scholarship if I give him the Magic for a Year. He says yes, I franticly call for a judge to make sure I can do this. Once the judge gets to our table Drew has already changed his mind. Drew says that his friends are telling him to play it out. I understand. Then the match begins.

Game one of the final match. I made a huge error in this game. My opening hand had one land and some other mana sources. Turn two I play a Thoughtcast and get a Great Furnace, but I pass the turn before I remember to play it. This caused me to miss two artifact drops, and a lower amount of mana. At the end of the game if I would have played right I would have had exactly enough artifact to sacrifice to the Atog to win the game, but I missed the one land drop. Oh well, there is always games two and three, but it just means I can't lose. The pressure is on.

Game two of the final Match. I only take small amounts of damage from 1/1 goblins. I am able to stabilize a Pyroclasm. After which, I play a 9/9 Broodstar with a Lightning Greaves, and attack. He can not handle the massive Broodstar and loses to turns later.

Game tree of the final match. He goes first. We draw opening hands. I have Atog, Great Furnace, Pyroclasm, Circle of Protection: Red, Talisman of Progress, and 2 Chromatic Spheres. This is an awesome hand, all except for only one land. I wait for him to decide on his hand before I decide on mine. He takes a long hard look and his hand, and then decides to mulligan. He again takes a long look at his hand, and then decides to keep. I take another look at my hand. If only I had another land the match would be in the bag. I decide to keep on two conditions, one I get to draw first, and two I have two Chromatic Spheres in my hand for extra card drawing. Turn one he plays a Goblin Sledder. Then passes. I draw no land. I play the Great Furnace and a Chromatic Sphere. Turn two, he has two more one drop goblins. I draw no land, again. It is looking bad at this point, but I have my Chromatic Sphere for card drawing. I sac it for a blue and top deck a Seat of Synod. I play my Talisman of Progress followed by the second Chromatic Sphere, and then pass the turn. Turn three he stalls on two lands, but sacs a goblin for red to play Goblin Warchief. I am now down to 15. I draw and then play my Pyroclasm. He saves his Goblin Warchief with a Goblin Sledder. He plays another one drop goblin and swings for 3. I am at 11. My turn I play the Circle of Protection: Red. Once the Circle of Protection: Red hit the table, he got a look on his face that said he knew the game was over for him. He gets out a Goblin Goon, but I am able to prevent his damage. I play a Lightning Greaves followed by a 10/10 Broodstar. I swing for 10 putting him at ten. He plays a Siege-Gang Commander, but I am able to prevent the damage. He sits on his turn thinking about a way to kill me when I have lethal damage on the board. At this point the room fills with silence. His last hope is that I forget to attack. He passes the turn, and then I swing for the win.

We shake hands and I congratulate him on his second place finish. We both now have invites to the Championship, in Kansas City, and boxes of Mirrodin. I also receive the Magic for a year, and the top prize of all, the $1000 scholarship. I learned a lot from this tournament. I want to thank all the people who helped me on my deck, and Chris Fairfield for doing a great job judging. I plan on attending the JSS Championships in Kansas City. I think it will be a lot of fun. I hope to see you all there.

Saturday, November 08, 2003


I won the JSS today!!!!!!! W00T! I got a $1000 scholarship, and magic for a year, and an invite to the championships. I am so happy. I will start on a tournament report tonight. That was basically my day.

Yesterday I tested until one in the morning preparing for the JSS, trying to figure out what deck to play. I ended up playing Affinity. I will tell the rest later, might even give it to star city.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Post of the Day

Hello, I will try to keep this short. Not much has been going on. Did alot of testing tongiht. Goblins vs Affinity, who can explode first? Fun stuff, would have been funner with slide, oh well. Tomarrow is the JSS in town. Fun times. I hope I kick butt and take names. I will have a tourney report on it Sunday or Monday. Me playing Goblins, Affinity couldn't cut it. Just wish I had some slide testing. I have been playing my new Tony Hawk Underground. It is one fun game. Should be done by the end of next week, I will deffinitly play through it a second time. I always loved the Tony Halk games, very fun. Well I am going to get playing some games, I shall post again Sunday. Until later,

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Post of the Day

A lot happened over the last two days. Yesterday I got fed up with affinity, And I decided a switch was in place. I am trying to change over to goblins, but I need a crap load of testing. I mainly need testing vs. the mirror match and against slide. Affinity I wreck, mono white I do pretty good against. Most rouge I do good against. I think I will do a lot better with Goblin Bidding than affinity, since not so many people will be heavily hating against my deck.

So yesterday I proxied it up and tried a few games against Adam. I also played a little vs affinity, and did great. I then went online and perfected my deck a bit. I now have what seems to be a pretty decent build with a great sideboard.

Today I also tested more against rouge and affinity. I mainly want more testing, as in any, vs slide. One of my friends is a great slide player, so I am going to see when we can do some testing. I just hope I get top eight.

Today I also went to Game Crazy. I traded in my GTA games for the new Tony Hawk Underground, or THUG, for the XBox. I have only played a little of it, but so far it is cool. I can already tell that it will have a great story to it.

I have also been approved for the open beta test of Lord of the Rings Online Trading Card Game, or LOTROTCG for short. You get $40 from the start, and then $10 dollars a day after that. This money can only be spent in the game, so don't get the idea that they are paying me for this. This game is basically Magic Online for Lord of the Rings. Seems cool, but I need more stuff for a deck.

I have also been swayed over to the dark side. I have actually started liking Magic Work Station, or MWS for short, more that Apprentice. I just downloaded all of the card arts from Magic to use in MWS. I have got to tell you that it makes a huge difference. It is like you are actually playing a game of magic. It is so cool. You can also print really good proxies for your whole deck. The only bad thing about it is that they keep begging you to pay money to register it. $20 is expensive for magic player. I mean it has a lot of good features, but I am going to have to wait and see if the $20 dollars will be worth the upgrades. All I got to say is that Apprentice 2.0 has got to have some good features to sway me.

Hmm... that is about it for now. So until later,

Monday, November 03, 2003

Post of the Day

Today, and yesterday, have been exciting. Yesterday I played in the type two tournament at The Dragon's Table. I went 1-2-1, not very good but I had fun. After I did some testing with Jimmy. I did pretty good. I also played an interesting game called Guillotine. It was pretty fun and I wouldn't mind playing it again.

Today was especially interesting. I went over to Electronics Boutique to reserve the GTA: Double Pack for the XBox. The week before, I had gone their and talked to a lady their. I asked her how much I could get in trade for both GTA3 and GTA: Vice City. She said that since it was a trade towards a new game I could get $20 for both of them together. Today when I went to Electronics Boutique they told me that I would only get $19 for both. I thought this was wrong, but they wouldn't change their minds and it was just a dollar difference. As I am trading them in, the lady asks me if want the PS2 version. I ask her why I would want to trade in for the same thing I am trading, she tells me that some people want the new box. I tell her that is stupid and that I wanted the XBox version. As I go to pay for it and the lady tells me it will cost $34.74 after tax. I thought about this for a minute and it doesn't make since, how could I be paying $3.74 tax on something that cost $31? I ask why this is, and she tells me it is because the tax is added before the game trade. I say this isn't right because I am only paying $31 dollars real money. I try to explain this to her, and then she tells me I will get back the tax once I pick up the game. I ask her will it be cash, she reassures me it will be. Then right as I am getting ready to leave, the guy behind her says that the tax will be in store credit. I tell them that I want it in cash, he says that they can't do that because it was a trade in. I tell them I want my money and games back, because I have no use for 4 dollars credit. I storm off furious, and tell them I am never going back and instead will go to Gamer's Exchange. Their story changed at least three times, and they lied to me. Sometimes their customer service is really good, and sometimes it seems like they just have a bunch a trainees that don't know what they are doing. I am gladly going to go to Gamer's Exchange, or Game Crazy, for the GTA: Double pack instead of Electronics Boutique, and for all other future game purchases. I advise everyone else to do the same.

After that horrible incident I go to The Dragon's Table. I play a few games of type one. I have found out that my new Burning Eggs deck does a lot better than my old Academy deck. After I go to The Dragon's Table, I go driving with my Dad. It was pretty fun. We drove around Crystal Lake a couple of times, and then drove to Lincoln Square Mall and back home. Driving is still very fun for me since I have only driven a total of 5 times. So it was pretty fun.

I think that is about all for tonight. So until later,
Grapes 17

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Post of the Day

Today and last night were very eventful. I put up my original template since it is no longer Halloween. If you want to see the Halloween template checkout the October Archives. Along with the return of the old template comes a new poll to the right. Please vote.

Yesterday I learned a valuable lesson, "NEVER EVER Install old video drivers!" I leaned this the hard way. I did it, not thinking that it would hurt anything, man was I wrong. It made it so I could no longer connect to the internet, and I could no longer hear audio. It was bad. My dad was nice enough to help fix it. It turned out I just had to reinstall the drivers that came from the mother board.

Today was a type 1.5 tournament at The Dragon's Table. I went 1-2-1 with my modified Mono-Blue Control. I did get a lot of type 2 testing in though. My affinity is doing really good. I just need a sideboard. It was pretty fun today.

I would have driven after going to Dragon's Table, but it was raining. So I didn't drive today. Maybe tomorrow.

I also installed the Black & White game. I am about half way through the tutorial. So far it looks pretty cool. I also played a demo for Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII. The demo was fun, but the sound was crap. It had tanks that could drive on water. It also had this tiny missile that you could ride, and they shot rockets, that was pretty fun.

I have listened to a few more new CD's. I will probally have reviews for them in a few days if I feel like posting them. The CD's where: Swollen Members - Heavy (Canadian Rap/Rock band), Eminem - Don't Call Me Marshall (new mix CD of a lot of his recent songs), and Tupac - Resurrection (soundtrack to his new movie).

Hmm, anything else... Well I am getting the new GTA: Double Pack, for the XBox. I will be trading in my old copies of GTA3 and GTA: Vice City. I am getting 20 in trade for them, so I will only have to pay like $32.50 for the Double Pack.

I think that is about it for today. So until later,