Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Post of the Day

Hello all! Monday went pretty well. Andy showed me the pros and cons of the different Warhammer Fantasy armies, and I decided to go with High Elves. Andy says that they are beefy and pretty good. So I bought the book for them, and Andy is working on an army list for me. Thanks Andy!

Yesterday went quite well. I got a free 3 inch binder from my GED class. I played in a draft at Parkland, and got second place due to tiebreakers *grumble*grumble*, but it was a lot of fun. I played some type one as well. I also learned that Breymeyer is interested in my set of Mana Drains. I think I am going to ask for $230 or $220. Sibly also said that he is willing to help me on the story line for my game. So w00t to that.

Today is going to be somewhat boring. Nothing to do tonight, so I guess I will talk to Andy on aim, and work on my game. I did go to READY today to do some paperwork, but didn’t get a chance to see anyone since it was in the middle of a class period.

Tomorrow should be fun. Going to parkland, playing some magic. Should be fun.

That’s it for now, so until later,


Monday, March 29, 2004

Post of the Day

Saturday and Sunday were both pretty uneventful. I played games at the Dragon’s Table. I played some “Zombies!!!” on Saturday, and some Munchkin and Risk yesterday. It was pretty fun.

Over the last few days I have been working on my game a lot, and now have the next alpha out. It is version 1.75. I have added a new town, and some new stuff. I have also fixed some bugs that were in the game. You should really go and check it out.

Tonight I will be hanging out at the Dragon’s Table with Andy, Tim, and Kurt. It should be pretty fun, although I don’t know what will be going on.

Tomorrow I go back to school. It should be fun. I am taking my GED April 12th & 13th in Rantoul. I will have someone there to type the essay part of it, so that should rock. I hope to do well. It shouldn’t be too hard to pass. I have been doing really well on the pretests.

Well not a lot else is going on. So until later,


Friday, March 26, 2004

Post of the Day

Been a while I know. Monday went fine. We played Star Munchkin, and it was a blast. Tuesday went well. Adam was at the Dragon’s Table, and we played a good amount of type two. Wednesday was bland and boring. Thursday we played Emperor at Dragon’s Table. It went well. Tonight was a blast as always. We played D&D and had a great time. We kind of avoided the whole idea of the end by flying over the Keep instead of working our way up. But it was still a lot of fun.

I have been working on my RPG pretty much constantly over the last few days. I was hoping to have a new alpha ready by tonight, but it took longer than expected to mad the new area. I gave what I did have finished to Andy and Tim to test. The new alpha should definitely be out by Monday. There has been a change of plans as to where you are going next. Instead of a ghost town it is a regular town, but there will be plenty to do. I also fixed the bug of Shockwave’s spells crashing the game. Download it Monday. If you would like to be a tester for my game please email me.

There hasn’t been a lot else going on. This week is Spring Break for me. I have just been hanging out at home working on my game. Andy has a new blog, and you can find the link in the links to the right. I have written two articles in the last week. You can find those at Besides that, not a lot else has happened. So until later,


Saturday, March 20, 2004

New Site Address

I now have a regular domain name. You can now find my site at You can still use this address as well. I only had to pay $8 for it, so that is cool. Hopefully the new, more simple, name will attract more people.

Post of the Day

In my free time I have been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004, so that is why I haven’t posted in a week. Tuesday was fun. I played magic at Parkland, and I had very little homework. Wednesday was boring, not a lot happened. Thursday I played magic again at Parkland. I also got my homework done. I went to the UIUC magic club to play emperor Thursday night as well.

Yesterday we played D&D. It was very enjoyable. D&D has been a lot more fun than magic recently. Magic in this area has been really going down hill. There is not a lot of encouragement from the magic community to play. I do like playing casually at Parkland though, and I still like to play type one. But yeah, D&D was pretty fun. Nobody died last night, so that was good. I went up another level, and should level again in the next encounter. My sorcerer is getting better, and getting more spells.

Today was bland and boring. No one showed up for the sealed deck. I played a few games of type two with the people that did show up.

The UIUC Magic forums have gone down, so not a lot of activities is happening with those.

Unreal Tournament 2004 (also know as, UT 2K4) is a really great game. I have been playing the demo now for about two weeks. I recently got the full version, and love it. It is a very fast paced first person shooter. It also has a lot of different modes of play to choose from. I have also purchased a headset to use for it, so that I can talk to the others players online. I got the Headset hooked up last night, and am currently trying it out. It seems like it will be helpful.

Not much else is going on. I am on spring break right now, so I won’t have school for the next week. So until later,


Monday, March 15, 2004

Post of the Day

Thursday was ok. Not a lot happened. I went to Parkland, and played some "Zombies!!!". It was fun. I then went to the UIUC Magic Club (*hears the crowd boo and hiss*), and played some emperor. Friday was pretty awesome. I played D&D at the Dragon's Table. Andy was there, but Tim wasn't. Andy's character almost died, but was saved due to XP gained during the fight. I figured out that forest Gnomes do get the +2 Cha that I thought they did. It was a very fun and enjoyable night.

Saturday I had to get up at 4 o' clock in the morning to go to Indy. Man was I tired on the way back. I went to a PTQ. I went 3-4. Not too horrible, but I would have liked to do better. I did a good amount of trading which was fun. All in all, it was a very fun day. I almost instantly fell asleep that night.

Today was pretty boring. Again nothing happened at DT because of the UIUC people stealing the crowd. So I went back home and played the UT 2004 demo. It is a pretty awesome game. I am going to buy it Tuesday when it comes out. Today I was playing the "Capture the Flag" mode and someone was using a speed hack. Both teams were doing pretty good. The points needed to win were 3, and somehow the score was tied at 2-2 with both teams holding the other's flag. The player that had the speed hack was on the other team. He was the one holding our flag (makes since with his speed and all). Well to score you have to take the other teams flag back to your base, and your flag still has to be there. At 2-2, with both flags out, it was only a matter of time until the player with the speed hack would kill our guy with the flag. The final gunfight was in our flag room. It was fast and furious. Somehow, someone shot a huge explosion. It killed everyone in the room but me, including the speed hacker. I saw my opportunity and ran for the flags. I got ours returned and picked up theirs. As I was running the short distance back to the flag post the hacker caught up to me. He shot at me, but I was able to dodge the bullets, and get the flag there before he picked ours back up. I absolutely love it when I beat a cheater. It makes me feel awesome.

Well not much else is happening. So until later,


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Post of the Day

Hey. It is late. I will make a quick post before I sleep. Weekend went well. Saturday we played a 9 person type one at Parkland. I can't tell you how much I enjoy Parkland compared to UIUC magic. Lets do I quick pro and con of both.

- Friendly players
- casual play environment
- always have someone to play
- everyone is welcome

- Not very competitive
- expensive drafts
- Ray is there sometimes

UIUC Magic Club

- competitive play group
- Cheap drafts

- Rude playgroup
- They only help fellow pros
- Craig
- Val
- Brant
- They run it in a very shady manner

I think the clear winner is Parkland magic. What they lack in competition they make up in the open play group. They accept everyone, and are very friendly.

Bah! I am tired of this subject. Lee take down the article already Mr. Adept man.

Sunday I saw the movie Club Dread. It was ok. Wasn't near as funny as Supper Troopers, but it had its moments. It is fun to watch if you have nothing else to do.

Monday was fun. I played at the Dragon's Table. Even Andy showed up for the first time in four months. It is always a great time with him around. The night went well, and all had fun.

Today was fun. I went to Parkland for class, then played some magic. I didn't get to draft, but it was still pretty fun. Someone had made a Go Fish deck out of magic fish cards. It was pretty fun. I also found out I have no class Thursday. So that is good. I will probably still go anyway to see if anyone wants to draft. I also have a small amount of homework, and that is always a good thing.

Over the weekend I found out that I had uploaded my game wrong. Adam actually did a really good job. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't had known there was a problem. I figured out what it was, and it is now fixed. Go and download it now.

Well that is about it. So until later,


Friday, March 05, 2004

Post of the Day

Yep, yep. Not a lot of posts, I know. This week was pretty average. Monday nothing special happened. Tuesday I went to Parkland. I found out the there was no school Thursday, so that was pretty awesome. I played a draft and won. I got a pretty fun deck with mana excel. I had minimal homework, so that rocked. Wednesday was boring. Nothing really happened.

Yesterday was interesting. A lot of back and forth flaming happened on the UIUC Magic Forums. It started about whether or not anonymous accounts should be allowed. It has pretty much been decided that it will be. After my first two accounts got deleted, I was then able to hold onto my later ones. The flames then moved to a controversial article written by the Brant "Retard Clown" Faulkner about the tournament on Saturday. Most of the things he said were made up. The article was originally taken down for revision, but then was reposted with little change. The people he was mocking in the article all stated that the statements were false, but the admin and club president still refused to take it down. This caused mass flaming on the forums. Even after all of it, it still was not removed. The easy way to please everyone would have been to just remove the article entirely. But that did not happen. Now no one is happy, and the two groups are only madder at each other. There is no reason for this hatred other than Brant feels like continuing it. Grrr… The whole subject is getting old, I just wish Brant would stop this stupidity.

Today was fun. I played D&D at Dragon’s Table. My character died, but I did make a new one. I shall play a Gnome Sorcerer. It will be pretty interesting.

Also during the week, I think it was Wednesday, I downloaded the Mozilla FireFox browser. So far I like it a lot. Tabbed browsing is truly awesome, and everyone should use it. I also like how it seems as if there is more screen space for the page. I can’t stress enough how cool tabbed browsing is. I love reading four different forums at the same time. So cool.

For the last piece of news, a new alpha of my game has come out. It is now version 1.6. A lot has been added, and there is a lot to do. I suggest that everyone download it, as I have herd good reviews from multiple testers.

Not much else is going on. No tournament at Dragon’s Table tomorrow because we have no judge. So until later,
