Thoughts From The Grape Vine

The day to day life of an average gamer.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Post of the Day

Just a quick entry. I started playing Counter Strike Friday. I love this game. It is great, and I am decent at it. It is a team based first person shooter. It is very oriented towards team work. If you don't work as a team you are going to lose. I love this game. I also have a new deck that I am going to be working on, it should be interesting. Oh, and I may be getting a mox on Monday. I have the money, and it would be nice to add a Mox Jet to my collection. That is all for now, so until next time,


Sunday, May 23, 2004

Post of the Day

I got back from the prerelease very late last night, but it was a lot of fun. I left the prerelease with 2 shahrazads, 24 Fith Dawn packs, a mana drain, and an artist print of one of the coolest pieces of art I have ever seen. I went to the prerelease with 4 of my friends, Andy, Kurt, Dylan, and Nathan. We all had a great time. There were 329 people in the main flight. There were around 600 people total. The attendance was so high that they actually ran out of product around 4 o clock, and couldn't do anymore booster drafts. It was an amazingly fun day.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Post of the Day

I know I haven’t posted in a while. I just haven’t felt the need to recently, but I shall post now. The last week or so have been pretty average. I am trying to get a job at Taco Bell. I went in and filled out an application and a test. I past the test, and then they asked me to come in yesterday for an interview. When I came in they had lost my application, so I had to fill out another one, and I am going back today for the interview. It seems as if they need more people there, and they also acted like I had already completely qualified for the job. So hopefully that should go well today. It would be nice to have more money.

I have recently started playing Morrowind for the PC again. It is pretty fun, except at times I get some slowdown. The slowdown doesn’t take away much from the game play, it is just an annoyance. The game is quite good. In it you make your own character that you play as. You adventure threw many types of different terrain, and there is plenty of weapon collecting to be had. You can go many different routes. You can be a super stealthy and super deadly spy, the beefiest warrior that has ever been, or the most powerful wizard you can think of, or anywhere in-between. There are almost endless possibilities that you can make a level up a character, and that is one of the main reasons this game is so entertaining. The world is also massive. You could explore it for days and days, and still not find it all. If you get bored of all this you can make your own world with the construction tools included with the game. You can use all the same models that are in the game, or create your own. The replay value of this game is almost infinite.

I have also started work on another magic deck. I am trying to build my own version of Trini-Stax for type one. It is a pretty fun deck so far, and I hope to play it in many tournaments.

Oh yes, it is also Cinco De Miyo. So yay!

Life is good. I am pretty much done with this post. If I think of something else to add, I may post later. So until later,
