Yep, yep. Not a lot of posts, I know. This week was pretty average. Monday nothing special happened. Tuesday I went to Parkland. I found out the there was no school Thursday, so that was pretty awesome. I played a draft and won. I got a pretty fun deck with mana excel. I had minimal homework, so that rocked. Wednesday was boring. Nothing really happened.
Yesterday was interesting. A lot of back and forth flaming happened on the UIUC Magic Forums. It started about whether or not anonymous accounts should be allowed. It has pretty much been decided that it will be. After my first two accounts got deleted, I was then able to hold onto my later ones. The flames then moved to a controversial article written by the Brant "Retard Clown" Faulkner about the tournament on Saturday. Most of the things he said were made up. The article was originally taken down for revision, but then was reposted with little change. The people he was mocking in the article all stated that the statements were false, but the admin and club president still refused to take it down. This caused mass flaming on the forums. Even after all of it, it still was not removed. The easy way to please everyone would have been to just remove the article entirely. But that did not happen. Now no one is happy, and the two groups are only madder at each other. There is no reason for this hatred other than Brant feels like continuing it. Grrr… The whole subject is getting old, I just wish Brant would stop this stupidity.
Today was fun. I played D&D at Dragon’s Table. My character died, but I did make a new one. I shall play a Gnome Sorcerer. It will be pretty interesting.
Also during the week, I think it was Wednesday, I downloaded the Mozilla FireFox browser. So far I like it a lot. Tabbed browsing is truly awesome, and everyone should use it. I also like how it seems as if there is more screen space for the page. I can’t stress enough how cool tabbed browsing is. I love reading four different forums at the same time. So cool.
For the last piece of news, a new alpha of my game has come out. It is now version 1.6. A lot has been added, and there is a lot to do. I suggest that everyone download it, as I have herd good reviews from multiple testers.
Not much else is going on. No tournament at Dragon’s Table tomorrow because we have no judge. So until later,